A collection of articles for coding the Amiga hardware in assembly language

Nothing lasts forever, and certainly not this blog. But what’s the point of having written so many articles explaining how to code the Amiga hardware in assembly language for making cracktros, if it’s all going to be lost one day?
Yragael's stash of code
To prevent a disaster, I’ve converted all the articles concerned into web pages, and put them together with the code and data for the cracktros in question in a single archive. This way, all the articles can be read offline. There are even a few bonuses, for those who go rummaging through the directories.
Feel free to download this archive and distribute it on to anyone interested in coding the Amiga hardware in assembly language.
For our German-speaking friends, I’d like to point out that a similar archiving job was carried out by the likeable Göran Strack in September 2023. With a great deal of effort, he translated everything into German and made it available on Aminet in the form of the archive dev/asm/asm-kurs_stashofcode.lha. Thanks to him!
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A collection of articles for coding the Amiga hardware in assembly language